Join The Fight
Although I AM DOM is named after Dominic Palacio, who we lost on October 20, 2011, we use his name as a symbol by representing every child with cancer and the families that are going through this life altering time. The struggle not only hits the family’s emotion, physically but also financial. The bills don’t stop coming in just because a child was diagnosed with cancer, childhood cancer is financially devastating. Families going through a tremendous amount of stress who are already dealing with the unimaginable.
We are proud to announce that the I AM DOM Foundation, is now a registered non-profit organization, under Code Section 501(c)(3), by virtue of its charitable activities and programs(s).
Our Mission
I AM DOM, is a family oriented organization that supports families of children with various childhood cancers. We are dedicated to assist in lessening the financial burden that comes with this life-altering struggle. I AM DOM, focuses on financially assisting families while educating the public, through experience. By advocating for the families, we will assist to create an understanding of the emotional and financial stress many families endure.
I AM DOM is named after Dominic Palacio, who we lost on October 20, 2011. We use his name as a symbol by representing every child with cancer and the families that are going through this life altering time. The struggle not only hits the family’s emotion, physically but also financial. The bills don’t stop coming in just because a child was diagnosed with cancer, childhood cancer is financially devastating. Families going through a tremendous amount of stress who are already dealing with the unimaginable.